Tuesday, November 8

Cherry Paupin'

My first real post, and I got to use a kind of dirty but very apt word pun for the title. How exciting!

I guess the theme of this post based on the word pun used would be first times as a result of being poor.

This is the first time in my life I've ever needed to receive food stamps. Luckily, they are on a debit card nowadays and not on actual paper stamps so I can hide my poor person status when purchasing my Diet Coke and fancy cheeses that I can now afford. The future, right? This is what it looks like.
So apart from lovely weather, Disneyland, and majestic cliff-side ocean views, the Golden State also offers the advantage of government-funded grocery shopping for us brokies. They should put that in those Visit California commercials with Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's been weird using the card. It's awesome because now I can actually eat proper meals and not just sustain myself on granola bars, water, and a smile. (Yes, my mom feeds me delicious home-cooked meals, but without going deep into circumstances sometimes I have to go very many days without her mommy love.) It feels kind of shitty. Like I shouldn't be needing to use food stamps. But alas, it has made things a lot easier for me. I was sadly kind of giddy when I got my card in the mail. So giddy I started listing aloud all the food I would - and now could - buy. You'd think I was about to visit an eccentric's wondrous chocolate factory and not Fresh and Easy. I'm just happy to have my load lightened a bit.

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